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What more or less the entire technological world has been waiting for will become a reality in a few days. We are specifically talking about Samsung's activity on the Russian market and especially its reaction to the recently launched invasion of Ukraine. The vast majority of technology companies have strongly condemned this, saying that they have suspended their activities in Russia, and Samsung is now set to become one of them. 

As reported by Bloomberg tonight, Samsung is going to announce the suspension of all its consumer electronics in Russian territory in the near future, which should hit the Russians very hard. Samsung's electronics are generally very popular worldwide, and it is therefore clear that cutting off their sales will hurt the local population very much. In addition, Samsung plans to announce financial aid to Ukraine in the amount of 6 million dollars, while one sixth of this amount should be represented by products that will try to help the people there. As a result, his attitude towards the whole situation is absolutely clear - he too condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

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