Close ad is the largest Czech cloud service for free file sharing over the Internet. It works not only on the web, but until now also provided applications on Android a iOS. The latter is therefore still available for iPhones, but you will no longer find the title in Google Play, as it has been removed from the store. 

The service is provided by the so-called freemium model. It is available for free with limited download features where each user has unlimited upload space. You can, however, purchase credit, which can then be used to download at an unlimited speed, including multiple files at the same time. The disputed fact is that if you upload a movie to the network like this, others can download it.

However, the official description in the App Store reads: Nelimited access to your own photos and videos can be a reality. And free. With the application, you can not only back up your files to cloud storage, but also allow you to import files of various formats to your device for free. And not only from your storage, but also from the wide database. So the word "own" is clearly stated here.

As the website reports, so Google removed the application from its Google Play based on a request from a Czech company Weemaz. Its purpose is daily monitoring of servers and removal of illegally distributed copies. At the same time, to make the removal process more efficient, and to make the process of downloading pirated copies even more unpleasant, it produces and uploads fake videos that are just a loop. The company represents Nova, Prima, HBO Europe, Czech Television or Seznam. 

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