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Today's wearable electronics market mainly includes smartwatches and wireless headphones, but smart contact lenses could soon be added to the mix. And one of the leaders of this developing segment will be the Korean technology giant Samsung.

Smart contact lenses are the technology of the future, but analysts believe that future may already be behind us. While there are no smart contact lenses commercially available at this time, several companies are experimenting with the technology. Samsung is one of them.

Analysts at research and consulting firm Global Market Vision expect the smart contact lens market to experience "explosive growth." They say it will take some time before smart contact lenses become widely available, but once they do, the technology will gain popularity very quickly. In addition to Samsung, other well-known technological giants such as Sony and Google are also active in this areacarSensimed AG, a company engaged in the production of medical devices.

The Korean giant has actually been "making" smart contact lenses for quite some time. Already in 2014, he had the relevant patent registered in South Korea, and in the same year he registered the Gear Blink brand at home and in the USA, which may be closely related to smart contact lenses.

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