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Modern smartphones may not provide the most demanding features if they are handled by those who do not use them. In that case, they are all more of a nuisance, because they only confuse older users in particular. But with this trick, you can simply set up a maximum easy interface that even your grandparents can use without any problems. 

In general, touch phones are easy to use. All you have to do is tap your finger on what you see, and the action will be performed accordingly. On classic push-button phones, you have to navigate through the keys, watch which keys are pressed and check what is happening on the display. Paradoxically, current smartphones are thus simpler. But basically they are not set up to be friendly even for less skilled users.

Phones Galaxy but they have a feature called Easy Mode. The latter will use a simple Home screen layout with larger items on the screen, a longer tap-and-hold delay to prevent accidental actions, and a high-contrast keyboard to improve readability. At the same time, all customizations made on the Home screen will be canceled. 

How to set up Easy Mode 

  • Go to Settings. 
  • Select an offer Display. 
  • Scroll down and tap on Easy mode. 
  • Use the switch to activate it. 

Below you can also adjust the touch and hold delay if you are not satisfied with the set time of 1,5s. The variance here is from 0,3s to 1,5s, but you can also set your own. If you don't like black letters on a yellow keyboard, you can also turn off this option here, or specify other alternatives, such as white letters on a blue keyboard, etc.

After activating Easy Mode, your environment will change slightly. If you want to return to its original form, just turn off the mode (Settings -> Display -> Easy mode). It also automatically reverts to the layout you had before activating it, so you don't have to set anything up again.

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