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Smartphones with an operating system are targeted by the SMSFactory trojan, which behaves quite accordingly. It hides itself so that you can't find it, and then sends money in small amounts so that it hides in your phone for as long as possible and regularly robs you of your finances. 

SMSFactory was alerted by an antivirus company Avast. They spread through malwaretising on sites typically offering hacks for various games, but also on those providing adult content or free video streaming. Initially, this malware pretends to be an app that will give you access to content, but once installed, it is nowhere to be found.

This makes it almost impossible for users to track where the app is, as well as what your money is going for. After all, you will only know this when you receive the bill, because the task of the trojan is to send premium SMS and possibly call premium phone numbers. Of course, the user has no awareness of this. It can thus cost you up to 336 dollars per year, which is less than 8 thousand CZK. However, his task is not to suck you completely, because then you would deal with it differently. This is precisely what reduces the risk of detection, and the attackers thereby ensure a stable income.

Experts have already encountered such a version, which is able to copy and extract contact lists, on which it is then possible to spread malware more easily. The most attacked countries are Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey or Ukraine. Avast's antivirus system has already caught it on more than 165 devices. In the Czech Republic, this trojan was only detected on a small number of smartphones, but it is not excluded that it will gain more power. So again, a warning is in order not to install any non-Google Play content on your devices (i.e. Galaxy Store). 

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