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In addition to hot weather, summer also includes occasional thunderstorms. It is advisable to monitor and map their occurrence for many reasons, but the main ones are safety. Here are five apps that will make storm tracking on your mobile easier.


Yr ( has long been a very popular and valued application for monitoring the weather, its fluctuations and the occurrence of phenomena such as thunderstorms. With its help, you can monitor the weather in your location and anywhere else, you can view maps of precipitation and storms, or follow long-term trends in clear graphs.

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Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

The Blitzortung Lightning Monitor app is primarily used to monitor lightning as such. In a simple map interface, you can track the occurrence of lightning practically anywhere in the world in real time. The application offers customization options, detailed informace about storms and much more.

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The app is one of the most popular weather tracking tools. It offers really detailed and clear maps with radar images, on which you can, among other things, follow the progress and development of clouds, precipitation and storms in real time. The application uses several different models for forecasting and offers dozens of maps.

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The Ventusky application will serve you well when monitoring the weather, including the occurrence of thunderstorms. It offers clear radar maps, a reliable and detailed forecast of weather developments in the near days and hours, but also the possibility of monitoring long-term developments and specific reports.

Download on Google Play

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