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Many of us constantly create all sorts of lists of all kinds at every possible opportunity. These can be regular shopping lists, lists of equipment for a holiday or perhaps lists of work or study tasks. You can also use applications for your smartphone to create and manage these lists - in today's article we will show you a few of them.


The cross-platform Todoist is one of the popular apps for creating lists and to-do lists. It offers the ability to create and manage lists of all kinds, add due dates and completion dates, the ability to organize plans and goals along with tracking your progress and collaboration with other services and applications such as Gmail, Google Calendar and many others. The function of nested tasks is also a matter of course.

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Microsoft ToDo

Although many users still long for the previous Wunderlist application, its successor in the form of Microsoft To Do is definitely worth at least a try. It has a number of functions and control principles identical to the mentioned Wunderlist, it offers several display modes, including the display of tasks for the given day, the ability to share lists and collaborate on them, and much more. Its indisputable advantage is also that it is completely free and boasts a clear user interface and ease of use.

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Google Keep

Another completely free but very well-made application that you can use to create, manage and share (not only) various lists is Google Keep. This application offers a whole range of functions, thanks to which it becomes a personal multifunctional notebook for you, which can easily deal not only with your to-do lists, but also with work or study notes and a whole range of other useful things.

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Remember the Milk

Don't let the name fool you – Remember the Milk is definitely not just for making shopping lists. Because it can play with any other types of lists, it allows you to create, edit and share them in all possible ways, and it offers the possibility of planning tasks, sorting them into categories and much more.

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