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You don't need to be a professional user Android i.e. Samsung phone, so that you can use it properly. But there are a few rules that every advanced user should learn, because it will extend the life of his device, but at the same time he will be able to rest easy, knowing that his data is properly taken care of. Here you will find 5 things that an experienced user should not have Androidmake. This list was written in Androidu 12 with One Ui 4.1 on Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G.

Not turning on the update 

Many users may think that updates cause older devices to slow down, but in most cases the opposite is true. The culprit is rather the bad condition of the battery. Updates often include new functions and, of course, fixes for all kinds of errors that could have caused your device to slow down. If you skipped the suggested update, go to Settings -> Software update -> Download and install and fix it.

Battery misbehavior 

The performance of your device does not only depend on the chip present and the amount of RAM, but also on the condition of your battery. You don't have to take it into account when you expect to replace it with a new one sooner or later. But if you don't want to visit a Samsung service center, it's better to take care of it properly. The least you can do for this is to enable the appropriate features. Go to it Settings -> Battery care and equipment and take a look at the offer here Battery. Scroll down and select Additional battery settings. This is where it comes in handy to turn on the menu Adaptive battery and as the case may be Protect the battery.

Using simple code 

1234, 0000, 1111 and other variants of simple number combinations are not unbreakable codes. It is advisable to keep in mind that if someone has stolen your device, these are the combinations they will try to enter first. If you use them, you should change them immediately. Fingerprint or facial security is fine, but it is always necessary to have a secondary code set, which should be just as secure as biometric authentication. You change the code in Settings -> Lock the display -> Display lock type -> Pin code.

Failure to set up security features 

You never know what's going to happen, so it's best to be prepared. IN Settings -> Safety and emergency situations it is so convenient to fill out Medical informace, where you can enter, for example, your allergies and blood type. Rescuers can access this information even through a locked phone. Then here is the offer Send SOS messages. If it is active, you can call for help by pressing the side button several times without having to dial a contact. At the same time, you can decide who you write the message to, as well as whether you want to attach photos taken by the device and also attach an audio recording.

Ignoring privacy 

V Settings a Privacy you'll find plenty of options to take better care of what data is used by which apps. You can manage permissions, camera and microphone access here, but there is one more important feature Warning when using clipboard. Many of us copy passwords, e-mail addresses and access codes to access services. But this data will remain in the clipboard for some time before it is deleted. So that you know that they will only be used where you intended, it is advisable to turn on this function, because then you will know which application these informace possibly used. 

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