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Samsung is usually the first OEM of devices with the system Android, which will release a new stable version of the system for its devices. But even though we already have three beta versions of the One UI 5.0 superstructure, which is currently based on Androidu 13, sharp version still nowhere. In addition, the company has now lost the battle regarding the speed of launching the new Androidu for your products. It was overtaken by OnePlus.  

The Chinese company OnePlus already released a stable system update yesterday Android 13 with its OxygenOS 13 skin for the OnePlus 10 Pro phone. That means it took her a month and a half to come up with a stable update after Google released theirs to the world Android 13 officially, although of course only for your Pixels at first. Additionally, Samsung has no plans to release a stable update Androidu 13 for its phones before the end of October 2022. The South Korean company will thus be about three months behind Google.

But is a faster system release a win? 

Yes, we have been waiting for a long time and probably will be for a long time. But you have to ask yourself, does it really matter if Samsung gives us a debugged system without errors and with exemplary optimization, rather than having something first, but sewn with a hot needle. After all, OnePlus is infamous for releasing pretty leaky updates for its smartphones. OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 9 users are in the first few "stable" versions of the update Androidwith 12 they complained of significant bugs and associated problems using the phone, and the same could be true for the current update. Being first does not necessarily mean being the best.

In addition, OnePlus works in such a way that it releases an update relatively soon for its flagship, but it reaches other phones very slowly. In contrast, Samsung updates are usually more stable, and once a sharp version of the system is released for the top models, that is, especially the series Galaxy S, rather quickly extends it to other devices as well. Based on experience so far, Samsung could do so Android 13 with One UI 5.0 for most of its high-end and mid-range smartphones by the end of the first quarter of 2023. But it is not for nothing that they say: "He who waits, he will see."

Series phones Galaxy For example, you can buy the S22 here

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