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Scammers try to get to you through a variety of means, including your phone. Although androidThese smartphones have built-in protection against various dangers, scammers can still get to you. Recently, they often do so through phishing text messages. If you haven't heard of them yet, read on.

What is a phishing message?

Phishing text messages are "text messages" designed to collect information from the victim. Their goal is to steal money from the person they target. They may appear to be from the government, a debt collector, or your bank. They may also promise prizes such as gift cards, free trips or debt relief.

Scammers often ask for usernames, passwords, personal identification numbers or other sensitive information informace. Phishing messages may contain links or instruct you to respond to them with the above informaceme. The links may also install malware on your device to gain access to your information.


These reports are usually easy to recognize as they show certain abnormalities. They are often irrelevant, contain typos, or use "weird" capital letters and emoticons. Another telltale sign is that they are usually sent from numbers you don't recognize and require you to act now.

What should you do with a phishing message?

If you receive a message asking you to click on a link or submit some information, do not do so. Trusted companies will never ask you for informace this way. If you receive such a message from a company, such as your bank, and you are concerned that it may be legitimate, contact the company to verify that it actually sent you the message.

If you find that the message is fraudulent, you can prevent them from receiving it again. The best way is to block the number from which you received the message. If you're using Google's Messages app and you receive a message from a new number, you may be prompted to report it as spam and block the number. If you don't see the prompt, tap the three dots in the upper-right corner, select Details, and tap "Block and report spam."

Finally, one more time: If you receive a message that looks strange and asks for personal information, do not reply to it. Verify if it is legitimate and if not, block the number it was sent from. And you have peace of mind.

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