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Previously a very interesting network with its own path, Instagram is increasingly copying its competition and trying to keep up with it. It has lost its focus, meaning and use, and all it wants is to make even more money from its users. Now it adds one new thing that should attract everyone to the content of influencers even longer. Whether it's good or not, you have to judge for yourself. 

I personally don't like Instagram anymore. It has changed beyond recognition over the years and its focus on stories, commercials, videos, ads and commercials is a far cry from its original idea. Of course, we have ourselves to blame for that, as users decided which direction the network would take by heavily using various features of competitors, i.e. Snapchat and TikTok. Instagram reacted to this by simply copying them and at least made a clear terno with Stories. Many only consume them and cough up classic posts.

For the benefit of users? 

Meta recently rushed to update the app, which increases the Story limit from 15 to 60 seconds. The reason is simple - it wants to keep us online even longer, and it wants to compete with TikTok, which is still growing. So it goes to Instagram to upload a video longer than 15 seconds to the Story, but it is then divided into several pages. Because this automatic splitting will now disappear, users can upload more content without the Story being made up of so many pages.

The content divided into such parts is said to be not so welcoming. It also has the "advantage" of adding other elements, such as text, stickers, music, etc. Now you don't have to add them to every 15s clip, but to the whole minute one. Since this is a server-side update, it's rolling out in bursts, so if the length of your Stories hasn't been extended yet, just wait until it reaches you too. 

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