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In the past, Samsung has fought long patent battles with many rival technology companies, including Apple, and has also faced investigations by government authorities. Now it has become clear that he is being investigated by the United States International Trade Commission.

The US International Trade Commission has confirmed that it is investigating Samsung for possible patent infringement. Together with him, she began to examine the companies Qualcomm and TSMC.

The investigation of Samsung, Qualcomm and TSMC concerns some of the semiconductors, integrated circuits and mobile devices that use these components. The investigation of the technology giants was prompted by a complaint filed by the New York company Daedalus Prime with the commission last month.

The complainant requests the commission to issue an order prohibiting the export and manufacture of the relevant components allegedly infringing unspecified patents. The case will now be assigned to one of the panel's arbitrators, who will hold a series of hearings to gather evidence and decide whether or not there has been patent infringement.

This process takes quite a lot of time. It probably goes without saying that the Korean giant will contest the complaint to the best of its ability. We may have to wait several months for the outcome of the investigation.

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