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The Google Play Store will soon get two useful features. The former will allow users to archive unused apps, and the latter will display download progress in a floating bubble.

To the editors of the site 9to5Google managed to make the upcoming Switch available in the Google Play Store Show install progress bubble (show installation progress bubble) in notification settings. When this option is enabled, the app installation progress will be displayed in the store in a floating bubble that can be dragged to any part of the screen.

This new download progress indicator has several advantages. Apparently, you'll always be notified of the installation progress, even if you're "doing your thing" on your phone before the installation is complete. The second benefit is that you don't have to go to the app's description page to see the exact install percentage.

Another useful new feature coming soon to the Google Store is the ability to archive apps to save space on your device. Archiving allows you to uninstall the app while keeping all personal data for it intact.

Once this feature is enabled, when you reinstall the app after archiving it, an Install Restore button will appear in the store instead of an Install Restore button. Pressing this button will take you to a separate page, not what's going on in the background like a normal installation. Once the app is restored this way, everything is as it was before it was archived, meaning you don't need to log in to your account again.

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