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CES 2023 brings a lot of good news, new products and technologies. The Google announcement part here was also aimed at Android Car and company at last she published  revised version Android A car for everyone. Additionally, it also announced some partnerships and exclusive features. 

Google has revealed that users of the latest Pixel and Samsung smartphones can make WhatsApp calls directly through Android Car. At this time, consumers can only make traditional voice calls through the app Android Car, but in the future they will be able to make voice calls through VoIP titles. If this feature proves successful, the company could bring the same option to other communication apps. But WhatsApp is the biggest, so it logically starts with it.

Calling via WhatsApp via Android In addition, the car could also find its way into older smartphones Galaxy and Pixel, and eventually also into smartphones from other OEM manufacturers with the system Android. Among other new features of the new version Android Auto includes message replies with suggestions, a tab-based split-screen user interface for productivity, missed call reminders, arrival time sharing with contacts, music playlist and podcast suggestions, and full-screen navigation with Google Maps. 

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