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Already today at 14:00 the doors of the polling stations will open and the first round of the direct presidential election will begin. The choice of candidates for the 2023 presidential election is really diverse, but many people may still be confused about who they should actually vote for. If you are not sure either, you can use the election calculator for better decision-making.

If you were looking for an app for Android, which would directly serve as an election calculator for the 2023 presidential election, you would probably search in vain. However, you can use a whole range of election calculators that are available on the web, i.e. also in the mobile web browser interface on your smartphone with Androidem. This voting calculator first finds out what your opinions are through a few easy-to-understand questions. Subsequently, your answers will be compared with the opinions presented publicly by the individual presidential candidates. As a result, you can see which of the candidates will be closest to you in opinion. You can be inspired by the result and share it with others.

In addition to the basic election calculator, you will also find on the site a calculator for enthusiasts, which will ask you almost a hundred questions, and a calculator for young people, which was created with questions that resonate with the younger generation in mind. The non-partisan organization KohoVolit is behind the creation of the website with the election It is a non-profit organization that you can voluntarily support with a one-time or regular contribution.

Election calculator (not only) for Android can be found here.

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