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There is an immense number of different chargers and adapters on the market, some of which stand out for their specifications, others for their price. However, if you have purchased a Natec charger, you should stop using it immediately. You are at risk of electric shock. At best.

the Czech trade inspection she found out, that there is a USB charger available on the domestic market that can be fatally dangerous for consumers. The product is sold under the name Charger NATEC 2,1A 2xUSB. The Czech Trade Inspection found that when using this charger, an electric shock may occur due to insufficient insulation.

ČOI further states that when using this charger, due to insufficient insulation, an electric shock or death may occur to the user who touches the USB connector on the body of the product, where a dangerous mains voltage of 230V appears due to a breakdown of the insufficient insulation between the primary and secondary parts of the product. So if you have a charger, stop using it immediately.

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