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The new video streaming platform arrived in the Czech Republic only on February 14, with a great launch event. You can watch the content for only CZK 89 per month, but you may not be satisfied with the content offer and its language versions. That's also why you'll learn how to cancel your SkyShowtime subscription here. 

The platform costs 179 CZK per month, but if you register with it until 11 April 4, it will cost you only half the price for life, i.e. currently 2023 CZK. But as many voices say, not everyone got this offer. The platform is young and suffers from many bugs. If you are not satisfied with it, you can of course cancel it at any time.

How to cancel your SkyShowtime subscription 

  • Log in to your account on the platform. 
  • Click on the tab Plans and Payments. 
  • Choose Cancel subscription. 
  • At the question "Are you sure you want to cancel your plan?", tap Cancel the plan. 

In this case, you will suspend your subscription to the service and lose the ability to watch the present content. However, your account will remain active if you want to renew your subscription at some point in the future. In that case, it's enough to go to the tab Plans and Payments and select here Reset schedule. If you want to say goodbye to the service for good, you must delete your account.

How to delete a SkyShowtime account 

This is not so simple. For any requests relating to your SkyShowtime account and data, you must complete the Service Data Access Request Form, which can be found <a href="" data-gt-href-en="">here</a>. Although it is in English, it is not complicated. Only here you actually fill in your data.

You can request the deletion of personal data, access to your personal data or the transfer of your personal data using the SkyShowtime data access request form. All requests go through a highly secure automated system and the service will notify you as soon as they are received. So the whole process can take some time. After all, the service states that if you have requested to delete your SkyShowtime account, it may take up to 30 days for your request to be processed.

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