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Third-party applications for the watch system on which i Galaxy Watch4 to Watch5 will improve soon. Indeed, Google he announced new requirements for the quality of its applications to improve the overall user experience. These new ground rules for Wear OS 3 goes into effect on August 31st.

Previously for apps or watch faces on Wear There were only eight requirements for the OS. However, Google has now introduced 31 more that developers must implement when developing apps or watch faces. Developers must follow the new requirements in order to "ensure that app users have a fundamentally consistent experience across all apps in line with our latest system design and development principles Wear OS.'

All app developers must have their apps pro Wear OS update to target the Android 11 (level 30 of the application programming interface), i.e. the version it is on Wear OS 3 based. This is to ensure that applications meet the security and quality standards that users from devices running on Wear OS 3 they expect.

New application quality requirements for Wear For example, OS 3 includes the following points:

  • Use a black background for all apps and tiles.
  • Allow the user to swipe down from any screen to exit the app (except for Google Maps and fitness apps).
  • All scrollable content should support a rotating crown and display a scrollbar.
  • Any ongoing activity must be displayed at the bottom of the watch face on the app launcher tab or tiles.

Any application that does not meet the application quality requirements on the system Wear OS 3 until August 31, for all users of the Google Play Store whose devices run on Androidfor 11 and above, it becomes invisible.

For example, you can buy Samsung smart watches here

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