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You probably know it - when you as a user Androidu connect to the chat of iPhone users, your text messages will glow green next to the blue bubbles. There are also some limitations associated with this, such as text length or multimedia embedding. Although there are currently applications that allow na Android iMessage chats to receive (like Bleeper), often require complicated Wi-Fi port forwarding or to run constantly in the background iPhone or Mac. However, a much more convenient solution could soon appear.

This solution is called Sunbird Messaging. It's about androidand a web application that does not require the user to "dig" in the settings of the Wi-Fi router or buy a second one iPhone, to make your own androidsmartphone received iMessage. Just download the app, log in to your account Apple and all the green bubbles suddenly become blue.

How does it work? The creator of the application, Sunbird, claims that it does not use any hacks or other questionable techniques. Instead, it is said to use official APIs and credentials. The company recently demonstrated this during a virtual press briefing when someone opened the Sunbird Messaging app, tapped the iMessage icon, and entered their email/password Apple id. After submitting this information and confirming the two-factor authentication code, on androidiMessage chats discovered on your phone.

It all sounds very nice, but there is a catch. The latter is that the app is now in closed beta and the waiting list to join it is very long (if the long wait doesn't deter you, go to PULL). However, we won't have to wait too long for the sharp version, it should arrive already in June. The developer also promises that later the application will support other globally popular messaging applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack or Discord, as well as the new RCS messaging protocol (which Google is pushing so hard and which is no less Apple prevents).

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