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On the best Samsung phones today, you can have separate notification and ringtone volume levels. This is certainly justified, for many users, for example, incoming calls represent a higher priority than application notifications and they want to set a higher volume for them. Google previously offered this feature on Pixels, but eventually removed it. Pixel owners have long asked Google to separate the volume control, but the company has ignored the feedback. That could change this year. Everything indicates that Android 14 will offer separate sliders for ringtone and notification volume.

Many Pixel users with the system Android 14 DP2 noted the presence of separate sliders for notifications and ringtones on their phones. As he mentions on Twitter Mishaal Rahman, Google is working on separating the volume of notifications and ringtones from Androidat 13 QPR2 beta. However, it was necessary to allow the change to be activated. It seems that with the system Android 14 DP2 it should no longer be needed.

Even if the ringtone and notification sliders are not linked, they will be muted if you turn on phone vibration. At this point, it's not entirely clear whether this was intentional on Google's part. Since this is not an API-level improvement, separate sliders might appear in the next beta version Androidu 13 QPR3 and we could officially expect them maybe as early as June 2023. To enjoy this change on your Pixel, you can go to install Android 14 Developer Preview or Android 13 QPR3 beta. It can be assumed that Google will separate the ringtone and notification volume sliders for both versions of the OS by the end of this year at the latest.

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