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If you have a SIPO set up - i.e. a specific type of payment that is automatically deducted from you - and you pay in this way, for example, electricity, gas, water, or perhaps lunches for children at school or kindergarten, you may be interested in how to cancel a SIPO. Perhaps also because you don't want to pay Czech Post for offering you this service.

Many of us use SIPO. This is a type of payment that the other party automatically collects from you. All kinds of fees, insurances, but also some types of taxes or subscriptions can be paid through SIPO. And the post office charges CZK 5 for it. It's a small amount, but perhaps it's a matter of principle rather than that. And that's also with regard to what's happening at the Czech Post now.

What is a SIPO?

SIPO is an abbreviation for Centralized Collection of Payments of the Population. It falls under Czech Post and offers a whole range of benefits. Among the main ones is that once you arrange a SIPO, you can forget about the dates of some payments - everything will be taken care of automatically. You can pay SIPO from your bank account, with a one-off payment order, or in cash at the post office or with a delivery person. Many of us use a SIPO to pay for everything, and some of us set it up a long time ago - so not only do they not remember when and how it all happened, but they may even struggle with how to cancel a SIPO.

How to cancel a SIPO

How to cancel a SIPO is a question that some of you may be asking in relation to the increase in the price of some related services. A SIPO can be canceled in a number of ways. One of them leads through internet banking. Depending on what bank you have, you would informace o SIPO should be found in the overview of regular payments in the appropriate column. Just find the relevant payment here and transfer it elsewhere. Informace the relevant company you pay for the service will also provide you with information on how to cancel the SIPO. However, it is not possible to cancel all types of SIPOs in Internet banking.

Another possibility is a personal visit to the nearest branch of Czech Post, where you should go equipped with an identity document and information about the connection number. Indicate at the counter that you want to cancel the SIPO, and the branch employee will already discuss everything necessary with you. SIPO can also be canceled electronically. If you have a data mailbox, you can give notice or withdraw from the Agreement via the Czech Post data mailbox to the data mailbox ID kr7cdry or by e-mail with an electronic signature to the e-mail address

In detail informace about SIPO can be found here.


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