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If you like to shop on Alza and live in the Czech Republic, you were certainly pleased with the launch of the AlzaPlus+ service at the end of May last year, under which Alza offers unlimited delivery of orders to AlzaBoxes and delivery points for a nominal monthly fee. Even then, the seller announced that the service was also planned for Slovakia in the future, but since then there has been neither sight nor hearing of a Slovak launch. But that is finally changing now, as AlzaPlus+ is finally working in Slovakia.

The conditions of AlzaPlus+ in Slovakia are the same as in the Czech Republic – that is, for a symbolic monthly or one-time annual fee, you get the option of unlimited free shipping for orders delivered to AlzaBoxes, Alza stores, Alza Points, Zásilkoven or when sending an order as a Parcel to the post office. As for the price, it is set at €11,99 for a one-time annual payment, i.e. de facto €1 per month. In the case of a monthly membership, the price is €2,50. In particular, the annual membership is already well worth it if you make at least one order every month. The cheapest pick-up is now €1,79, which AlzaPlus+ easily puts into your pocket. Even from our own experience, we can only recommend this new product.

You can find more information about AlzaPlus+ in Slovakia here

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