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Google continues its efforts to improve data security within the Google Play Store. It will now require developers to give users the option to delete their account data.

Currently, the Data Security section of Google Play only allows developers to declare that you can request data deletion. However, in the future, applications that provide the option to create an account will also have to include a request to delete it in the menu. This must then be easily discoverable inside the application and outside it, for example on the web. The second request is then aimed at the eventuality where the user can request the deletion of the account and data without having to reinstall the application.

App creators will have to provide these links to Google, and the store will then display the address directly in the app listing. The company further clarifies that developers must delete user data associated with a given application's account if requested by the user, while temporary deactivation, shutdown or freezing of the application's account is not considered deletion. If there is a need to retain certain data for legitimate reasons such as security, fraud prevention, or regulatory compliance, the Company requires programmers to clearly inform users of their retention practices.

The raised requirement will be put into practice gradually and so quickly that the developers can adapt to it, taking into account the necessity of the work spent on the necessary modifications. However, it will affect all applications. As a first step, Google is asking developers to submit answers to new data deletion questions in the data security form in their apps by December 7. At the beginning of next year, Google Play users should then start seeing the projected changes within the store.

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