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The European Parliament has proposed new legislation to offer better product labeling in the European Union. This includes restrictions on misleading product features, environmental claims and restrictions on repairability.

The new directive "takes aim" at the use of unsubstantiated ecological claims on product packaging and advertising, such as "climate neutral" or "environmentally friendly", if they are not supported by clear evidence. In addition, the directive envisages transparent information on product repair costs and possible repair restrictions on the part of equipment manufacturers.

The aim of the new legislation is to help consumers shop better, or rather shop with better informacemi, and encourage manufacturers to offer demonstrably more sustainable products. In addition, the European Parliament wants to ban misleading claims about battery life, as well as planned obsolescence and design features that limit the life cycle of a product.

Press message The European Parliament also states that the new directive will mandate the interoperability of devices with third-party accessories such as chargers and spare parts (such as ink cartridges). Since the proposal has already been approved, negotiations between the European Parliament and the EU member states should begin soon.

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