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Many smartphones Galaxy it gets a new software update every month. Samsung releases monthly security patches for many of its mid-range phones and all of its flagships for the first few years after they go on sale, and some of these updates also bring new features, bug fixes, and general improvements. In addition, the Korean giant releases a new version once a year for eligible devices Androidu.

Samsung is also releasing updates for its smartwatches, but it seems that some sites reporting these updates have led owners to Galaxy Watch to the assumption that their watches, like smartphones, should receive updates every month.

Using the Google search engine, one can find articles with titles like “Galaxy Watch4 are getting an update for April 2023", but these can be misleading. Samsung for your watch Galaxy Watch it does not issue monthly updates, and this applies to both new and older models.

The reason is simple

The Korean giant is not in the habit of releasing regular updates with new features for its smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, and since the watch does not need regular security patches like androidov phones and tablets, there are no monthly or quarterly updates for them. Update for Galaxy Watch, which may fix bugs, bring new features, or both, follow no specific schedule and are instead released randomly without any fanfare. Samsung only announces major updates that increase the version number of the watch's operating system.

So if you're a Samsung watch owner, don't worry if they don't get updates every month, because that's okay. When your Galaxy Watch receives an update, we'll let you know.

You can buy Samsung smart watches here

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