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If you like competitions, the following lines will please you very much. We have prepared a great competition for you today in cooperation with PanzerGlass. Specifically, we will be playing for five PanzerGlass tempered glasses for Samsung Galaxy S22/S23 of your choice.

How to join the competition:

  1. Answer in the comments below the post to the question:How many times is PanzerGlass glass hardened for the latest range of Samsung phones Galaxy S23?
    a) 1x
    b) 2x
    c) 3 times
  2. Along with the answer to the question, add your email to the comments, where we will be able to contact you if you win.

On Monday, July 10 at 10:00 a.m., we will draw 5 winners who meet all three of the above conditions (verification will take place). We will mail the prize to the winners.


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