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Google Contacts has seen quite a bump in new features this year and continues to do so informaceme about local time and weather.

For records that contain an address, a tab will appear with a note about the city and the current time. Furthermore, the temperature and status are shown in graphic and textual form. Despite the assumption, tapping won't get you to Google search or the Weather app for a full forecast, and the location isn't exactly ideal either.

In Google Contacts, the source through which the data is provided is clearly indicated, which is the server, just like in the case of the Google search application. A drop-down menu provides useful access to address editing, but currently the app won't display, for example, the weather in the immediate vicinity of the location. Newly provided informace they come in handy before you call or text someone. Aside from the weather as a conversation starter, they're useful in determining whether now is a good time to ring, especially if the person you're calling is in a completely different time zone.

Google Contacts now uses a circular profile picture, replacing the previous square edge-to-edge version. As part of the changes to the user interface, the buttons for calling, sending and video calls also received a circular layout.

If you don't currently see the weather and time tab, you can try force stopping the Google Contacts app in the menu Informace about the application and achieve its loading. It was seen in version 4.14 and later.

Contacts in Google Play

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