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It's only been a few days since Google released it Android 14, marking the arrival of the latest version of the world's most popular mobile operating system. This update brings a lot of interesting and useful new features and improvements, as is the case with major updates from the environment Androidas usual, it was not without problems this time either.

Alone Android 14, like every new version of Google's operating system, along with new features, must also deal with bugs that appeared in it. The latest major issue with it seems to be the slowdown Android A car that behaves significantly less sensitively than usual.

However, users also face several other difficulties besides the delayed responses that many of them reported with practically every program, where the software takes several seconds to react in any way to touch input, which makes it very difficult to report events in Waze, for example. In addition, some people have reported problems with navigation apps and GPS signal reliability, while drivers mention audio issues, music playback errors and poor sound quality, and problems with services such as Spotify and YouTube Music.

There are voices that, in connection with Android Auto complain that after installing the system Android 14, voice commands are suddenly turned off, and another group of people claim that audio instructions offered by, for example, Google Maps, Waze or other comparable applications freeze in the middle of a sentence. This is nothing new, as at the time of launch Androidat 13 a Android12 have also had these issues reported by users. Android 14 therefore, following the example of its predecessors, has a real chance to eliminate most of them relatively soon. Let's hope the Mountain View giant gets it right as soon as possible, as the current state of affairs is very disheartening for many drivers to say the least.

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