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How to cancel a debit card? The reasons for canceling a payment card can be different. Some people think that canceling their debit card means they will also lose their bank account, but the reality is that you can cancel your debit card and keep your bank account. The details of canceling a debit card may vary from bank to bank, but the basics are always more or less the same.

Cancellation of a debit card is possible with most domestic banks in several ways. This usually involves visiting a branch, canceling by phone, or canceling a card in mobile or internet banking. In the following lines, we will describe all three ways to cancel a debit card.

How to cancel a debit card in person

How to cancel a debit card in person? Just take the card you want to cancel, don't forget your personal documents, and come in person to any branch of your bank. Some banks do not have traditional brick-and-mortar branches, but kiosks - you can apply for cancellation even with them. All you have to do is let the staff know that you would like to cancel your debit card while keeping your account, and they will take care of everything. Your card will be blocked and your account will remain with you.

How to cancel a debit card over the phone

You can also request the cancellation or blocking of your debit card by phone. Simply find and dial the phone number of your bank's customer service line. If you have banking on your mobile phone, try to see if the helpline can be dialed directly from banking - in some cases, you can save time and work with verification. Depending on whether you hear from an automaton or a "live" line operator, either speak your request or follow the instructions on the handset.

How to cancel a debit card in Internet or mobile banking

You can also cancel your debit card in mobile or internet banking. The environment and user interface are of course different for individual banks, but the principle is nevertheless always similar. Start online or mobile banking and look for the Cards section. Sometimes card management is located in the account management section. Select the card you want to cancel. Depending on your bank, look for items like "card settings," "security," and more. Then just click on click on "Cancel card" or "Block card permanently". If you don't know how to deal with anything, remember that you can always contact your bank's customer line, chat or email.

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