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Samsung-LogoACSI, that is, a survey of customer satisfaction in the USA, also prepared an evaluation of how satisfied their customers are with individual brands at the end of 2014. A special category then consists of smartphones, where satisfaction is monitored more than ever before. Here, the world is especially looking at a pair of top brands, Samsung and Apple, who have been big rivals for a few years now, and until now it seemed that Samsung would lag behind Apple for a long time.

But that changed this year and the results of the ACSI survey revealed that customers are more satisfied with Samsung smartphones than with phones iPhone, which until now were considered the gold standard of the smartphone. The difference here is surprising, while at Samsung there was a year-on-year increase in satisfaction by exactly 11%, at Apple customers reported a decrease in satisfaction by 4,8%. A decrease was also recorded last year, by 2,5%, while at Samsung there was an increase of 6,6%. But what is behind the decline in satisfaction with iPhones? Perhaps the number of affairs that surrounded them is to blame iPhone in recent years and this year alone there have been a lot of them - problems with bending, memories, the protruding camera has also caught a lot of criticism and otherwise there is no problem with the clicking that can be heard when using some pieces iPhone 6s.

// Samsung vs iPhone


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