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The social network Facebook has been forced to suspend its data collection activities of WhatsApp users, across Europe. For end users, this means that Facebook no longer has access to their personal and sensitive data including phone number, date of birth and more. However, the American giant commented on the whole situation with words that still evoke emotions. According to Facebook, this is only a temporary solution, despite the fact that the laws are of a different opinion - not to have access.

“We hope to be able to continue our detailed discussions with the UK Authority. We want to continue to talk to commissioners and other officials about the protection of personal data."

Facebook bought the WhatsApp service in 2014 for an astronomical sum of $19 billion. However, in August of this year, he decided to acquire informace about the users of this service, which understandably did not please many. This move was criticized by 28 authorities who, among other things, signed an open letter in which they forced the current CEO of WhatsApp, Jan Kouma, to suspend his activities.


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