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At the end of last year, Google introduced a really interesting function for taking pictures in low light conditions called Night Sight. Although this is not the first such function on the market, it is at least the most useful and well-known. At the moment, Samsung seems to be working on its very own version called Bright Night.

Night Sight is a feature created by Google and used on Pixel phones that has received very good reviews from users. It allows you to take high-quality pictures even in low-light conditions. Everything is controlled by intelligent software working with the camera lens, which evaluates the brightness in the image and adjusts it for an eye-pleasing result.

Although Samsung works every year to improve the brightness of their lenses and is undoubtedly on a very good path, it still loses on Night Shift.

Night Sight

Mention of Bright Night was found in the Beta version source code Android Pie for Samsung. It is not yet known what the user interface will look like and whether Samsung will add something of its own to the feature, or if it will just remake an existing version from Google. From the source code, however, it is clear that the phone takes several pictures at once and then combines them into one sharper one.

If you're of the opinion that the best camera is the one you carry with you and you like to take pictures on your phone, don't miss the presentation of the new Samsung Galaxy S10 which should take place at the turn of February and March 2019.


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