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Samsung Galaxy S5 PrimeThe Hong Kong portal PRICE has published a price guide for new mobile phones. There would be nothing very special about that, but among the individual smartphones there was also a Samsung with the designation SM-G906(X), which is most likely the currently frequently discussed Samsung Galaxy S5 Prime. Its specifications, which are also listed in the guide, include a high-quality QHD display, a total of 3 GB of RAM, and a Snapdragon 805 processor with LTE support.

However, what is most interesting about the entire smartphone is the documented version of the system Android. According to the guide, the latest, as yet unannounced, will also come with the phone Android 4.4.3, which would z Galaxy The S5 Prime was the very first Samsung device with this operating system. However, the specifications listed by the PRICE portal are for the Korean versions of the device, the European and the American variant of Samsung Galaxy The performance of the S5 Prime will probably be a little worse, but not dizzyingly so. What date will this April/April super version be? Galaxy It is not yet certain that the S5 will be released, but it certainly won't be in the near future, because Android 4.4.3 hasn't even been officially announced yet, and it would be weird if a phone came out with the latest operating system before it was announced.

*Source: PRICE.

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