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GalaxyTabS-Main2_ICONIt's common knowledge that Samsung keeps improving its Super AMOLED technology. They introduced the latest version this summer in two tablets. The first is the classic 10.5" Galaxy Tab S, but the second tablet has the most positive feedback, Galaxy Tab S 8.4″, the review of which we will publish this week. What you will notice at first glance is that both tablets have a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels. And this despite the fact that the tablets are really thin and light.

With the new Super AMOLED display, Samsung also focused a lot on brightness, vibrancy and color accuracy. And since he really succeeded, the team was able to show off in a new advertisement, which Jason Silve from Geographic's Brain Games will guide you through. It also explains what the Samsung team meant when they said you can see with your brain with this tablet. It's just a pity that all parts of the video are simulated, even though it must be admitted that the advertisement is nice. So if you're looking for a tablet with a great display, don't hesitate, you won't find a better one.

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