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Samsung Retro OvenSamsung is a company that, in short, produces whatever comes to mind, and that probably applies to every division. This time, Samsung has prepared something special for customers in Russia. The Retro style is extremely popular in the country today, and a survey shows that up to 22% of all stoves that people buy here are inspired by the communist Retro look. And it's time for Samsung to return to it! That is why the company introduced the new Samsung Retro Oven, currently available exclusively in Russia and the surrounding area.

According to him, the reason why Samsung decided to bring a stove with a retro look to Eastern Europe is clear. Russia is a land of extreme weather and Russians have used furnaces or boilers for a very long time. However, Samsung wants the kitchens to have a piece of the past in them, and this is what the style, which was very widespread in the Eastern Bloc, should help. As Samsung claims, its designers had to study the history and culture of Russia when designing the retro stove in order to discover its charm and know how to design a product with a perfect design. This gave rise to the Neo Retro concept, which combines old and modern decorative elements, graphics and colors. The white color is actually gray and the font is Adobe Garamond, in which spirit the symbols are also carried. The concept is really interesting and people who lean towards retro style should probably not miss this piece in their kitchen.

Samsung Retro Oven

Samsung Retro Oven

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

Samsung Retro Oven

Samsung Retro Oven

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: Samsung Tomorrow

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