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Gear SThe delivery of the third generation of smart watches from Samsung to Czech and Slovak stores is expected every day, but even before that, Samsung managed to please us with one new item. Today, the South Korean manufacturer officially introduced a series of special straps for the Gear S, which will consist of a total of two types - Wrist Watch Strap in blue, black, white, gray and red and thin Bangle Watch The strap, which will be sold in black and white.

Wrist straps Watch Strap and Bangle Watch Strap will thus be placed alongside the previously introduced specialties in the form of fancy ones Diesel straps or an elegant strap from an Austrian company Swarovski, with which Samsung has been working for some time. Unfortunately, informace We do not yet know when exactly the new series will be released and whether it will also be available in the Czech Republic/SR, nor has the price of the individual bracelets been announced yet.

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