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 The Winter Olympics in Sochi will start in less than 25 days, and its official partner Samsung has just released the Sochi 2014 WOW (Wireless Olympic Works) app, which will allow you to monitor informace, results and scores of your favorite athletes, hockey teams and other sports. All fifteen disciplines are available to watch and you can share the results with your friends using the "share" button. If you will be directly participating in the Olympics, either as an athlete or as a spectator, detailed information is also prepared for you in the application informace about transport, restaurants and nearby places of interest.

Unfortunately, the application is not available in Czech, but this is not such a serious problem if you know numbers. After selecting your language, you can choose your favorite athlete, your preferred country and your favorite sport. News on the main page will then focus mainly on these selected aspects, which can be changed at any time. Sochi 2014 WOW you can download on Google Play today, without any compatibility issues.

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