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Android 5.0Speculations became reality and Sundar Pichai unveiled a new operating system at Google I/O 2014 Android 5.0, which he temporarily called as "L Developer Preview". Surprisingly, it is not Lollipop yet, which has been rumored for a long time. The new "L" operating system is a vision that should work on virtually any device. The user experience is based on the so-called "Material Design", which can be used in Androide, Google Chrome, on the TV or even on the watch.

The principle of the new UI comes directly from the word "Material", or paper, to which Google compares its new design. It is built on the basis of shadows and layers, thanks to which it is possible to easily adapt it for any screen, with the fact that each layer can have its own color. Users can thus use the same design on practically all platforms, regardless of whether it is a smartphone, tablet or Chrome. In addition, the environment is designed to remember typography, so developers can use the same font on all platforms for which the applications will be available.

google_netGoogle Chrome

Google is also showing off new, improved notifications that are identical to the ones leaked online a few hours ago. It means that the notification center is now simpler and is built on the new interface that Google will present at today's conference. The novelty is adapting to the environment, so the phone itself knows when it can and when it can't disturb its user with notifications. There is also the possibility to quickly launch selected applications, with the fact that if the user has secured his phone, then he must authenticate using a traditional unlocking element.

Among other things, the new environment will also affect the mobile version of Google Chrome, which has been enriched with Material Design. Also new will be a new way of displaying bookmarks and open pages, which are no longer displayed in the application, but directly in multitasking, thanks to which users can quickly switch between web pages and applications / games they have running. Thanks to the Material Design interface, these are "darkened" if they are in the background of the multitasking menu.


Chrome v Android L has also been linked to other apps using "App Indexing", which means that if a user goes to a website that has an app and you have it installed, then that app will automatically open for you, with the return back takes you back to the Chrome web browser.

Android The L also brings performance news. New features have been added within the ART Runtime, which is compatible across platforms and thus is also supported on ARM, x86 and MIPS processors, with which it is Android compatible. It is also compatible with 64-bit architecture, thanks to which Google confirmed that in the near future we will be able to count on 64-bit smartphones from manufacturers such as Samsung.

google_securityAndroid 5.0 Lollipop Notification Center

There have also been innovations in terms of graphics, while new technology Android The Extension Platform enables developers to achieve desktop graphics on mobile devices. Google presented it on hardware supplied by nVidia. Unfortunately, the video flickered, which Google explained to the team as technical problems, but not problems with the technology being presented. Finally, good changes also affected battery life. Battery life varies depending on the model, but no phone will ever get 5 days of use without a single charge. This probably won't be a reality in the next few years either, but Google is not resting on its laurels and has introduced a new API called JobScheduler as part of its Project Volta. It also brings the Battery Saver function, which may already be quite familiar to users of Samsung phones. However, in the case of Google, the function works a little differently, and according to Google, it is possible to extend the use of the phone by 90 minutes.

Along with the new "L Developer Preview" that Google will release today, the company will release 5 new APIs that result from this new environment.



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