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IDC_Logo-squareOne of the first tablets with the ability to make calls was produced by Samsung already two years ago. Since then, we haven't heard much about such experimental devices, so it might seem that they are failed products. But the opposite is true and while here in Europe there is minimal demand for such devices, in other parts of the world it is exactly the opposite. In Asia, tablets with the ability to call are starting to gain more popularity than ever before and in some countries they are even starting to push phablets, which are so popular here, out of the market.

The main reason for the high popularity of "strange" tablets in Asia is primarily the price. They are especially popular in countries where people cannot afford both a phone and a tablet, so they decide to kill two birds with one stone by buying a tablet with the ability to make calls. It is worth noting that 2014 million tablets were sold in the Far East region in the second quarter of 13,8 alone, of which up to 25% were capable of making calls. Compared to last year, there was an increase in the popularity of "phone tablets" by 60%. In countries like Indonesia or India, for a change, such tablets have gained a 50% market share - we therefore think that this is a sufficient reason why companies like Samsung have decided to sell such devices primarily in Asia, just as it is in the case of the 7- inch Galaxy W. The IDC company came up with the statistics.

tablets with the ability to call

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var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: IDC

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