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Galaxy Lifestyle StoreSamsung opened its first store Galaxy Lifestyle Store, which embodies a new concept of exclusive brick-and-mortar stores. In them, the company wants to provide a unique experience to everyone who visits it, whether they take a Samsung product with them or just admire the design store. First shop Galaxy The Lifestyle Store has grown in Beijing and more stores will be expanding worldwide over the next year.

Vice President of Global Marketing of Samsung Mobile Division Younghee Lee says that the Lifestyle Store Galaxy is not just a retail store, but a place where you can meet new friends and exclusive content, a place where you can meet brand fans and share valuable experiences in joint discussions. The first store in Beijing is divided into five sectors, among which it belongs Galaxy lab, Galaxy Music, Product Experience Zone, Galaxy Accessories and Concierge. Customers who purchase the new product will also receive a free coffee directly in the store.


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