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AndroidTwo years ago, a virus called NotCompatible began to spread around the world, which became a threat to a huge number of devices with the operating system at that time Android. Fortunately, the virus was somewhat eradicated, but now it's late 2014 and NotCompatible, this time in a "C" version, is back, and according to what we've learned so far, it's even stronger than it's ever been, and no user whose device runs on Androidu, should not underestimate him.

It is a trojan-type malware and after it is installed into the operating system, all stored data can be checked and hacked. Additionally, this is a botnet similar to some we've only seen on PCs so far and it uses peer-to-peer technology, so as usual this problem also affects known zombie networks, which makes NotCompatible.C all the more serious.

The malware works in the background, masquerading as an update under the name “", but if your device is one of the hundreds of thousands already infected, in the Settings application, specifically in the Manage Application column, uninstall the mentioned application "”, if it is there. If not, the device is not infected, in any case, further damage can be prevented in this way.





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