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Samsung-LogoLas Vegas, January 6, 2015 - BK Yoon, president and CEO of Samsung Electronics, called on companies to be more open and collaborative in the Internet of Things at the CES in Las Vegas, which Samsung says will lead to endless possibilities for its use.

"The Internet of Things has the potential to transform our society, our economy, and the way we live our lives," said BK Yoon, President and CEO of Samsung Electronics. "It is our responsibility to come together as an industry and across sectors to fully realize the promise of this concept." 

BK Yoon also emphasized that the Internet of Things should focus on people and adapt to their daily lives as much as possible. “The Internet of Things is not about things. On the contrary, it is about people. Every person is at the center of all the technologies they use, and the Internet of Things will constantly evolve, adapt and change according to human needs.” said BK Yoon.

The era of the Internet of Things has already arrived, and Samsung Electronics is now introducing the upcoming key moments in its development. Starting in 2017, all Samsung TVs will support the Internet of Things, and within five years all Samsung hardware will be “IoT-ready”.

An important factor for the expansion of the Internet of Things is the developers themselves. In support of development, BK Yoon confirmed that Samsung Electronics will invest more than $2015 million in the development community in 100.

BK Yoon Internet of Things

Development of IoT devices and components 

In the era of the Internet of Things, sensors will be very advanced and perfectly elaborated. Key components will be more compact and energy efficient.

BK Yoon introduced advanced sensors that are able to diagnose the user's surroundings and offer a suitable solution or service. For example, a three-dimensional sensor is now being developed to detect the slightest movement.

Samsung Electronics is also working on next-generation chips, such as the embedded "package on package" (ePOP) chip and the Bio-Processor, which are highly energy-efficient and compact enough to be part of a wide range of devices, including mobile and wearables.

"Increasing the number of IoT devices and developing the components that power them is the first step to realizing the very idea of ​​IoT," stated BK Yoon, adding: “Last year we produced more than 665 million units of these devices, and of course the number will continue to increase. We have begun to uncover the value hidden in the connected devices and things that surround us every day.”

BK Yoon Internet of Things

An open ecosystem

According to BK Yoon, openness is a key factor for the development of the Internet of Things, and Alex Hawkinson, director of SmartThings, also supports Samsung's idea of ​​open infrastructure.

"In order for the idea of ​​the Internet of Things to succeed, it has to be an open ecosystem," Hawkinson pointed out. “Any device with any platform must be able to connect and communicate with others. We work hard to achieve this, putting the user, option and freedom of choice first. Our SmartThings platform is now compatible with the widest portfolio of devices than any other.” 

BK Yoon Internet of Things

Support of the development community 

Samsung Electronics is fully aware of the value and role of developers and firmly believes that developers will play a key role in the IoT era.

"That's why we're committed to supporting the developer community," Yoon reminded and filled in. "Only if we work together can we create a better future." added Yoon. 

As part of this commitment, BK Yoon announced that Samsung will invest more than $2015 million in 100 to support its developer community, strengthen education programs and increase the number of international developer meetings.

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Collaboration across industries 

Samsung Electronics believes that the Internet of Things has a far-reaching impact, far greater than the current consumer electronics industry. It will be part of every aspect of human life and will revolutionize every industry. However, for the Internet of Things to be successful, it is necessary for companies across individual industries to work together to create the necessary IoT infrastructure. Cooperation will make it possible to provide customized services to users.

“One company or one industry can never harness and deliver the full potential of the Internet of Things. There is a need to see beyond, across all industries, and only by working together can we improve the lives of all of us," concluded BK Yoon.

BK Yoon Internet of Things

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