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Past_samsungSome would say that Samsung entered the world of phones only now, at the time of the smartphone boom. However, this is not true and in fact Samsung made its own phone before the Nokia 3310 or the matrix 8110 took over the world. The South Korean company started working on its first mobile already in 1986 and its development took 2 years before it reached the market and, like other mobiles, the Samsung SH100 was considered a miracle created with the help of the modern technologies of the time. At the same time, you never heard about megapixels, processor frequency, or the number of pixels on the screen.

Samsung timed its release perfectly. In 1988, the whole world was watching Seoul, the Summer Olympics were held there, and it was exactly the perfect time to start selling a mobile phone. Despite this, however, Samsung sold around 2 units, which is a ridiculous number compared to today's sales - although even then it was not considered a great success, given the presence of the Olympics. The phone was characterized by a one-line display on which you could see the phone number and under it there were 000 buttons, in addition to the numeric keypad there were various command buttons, for example a button to lock the phone or to change the volume.

Samsung SH100

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: Smartmania

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