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Samsung Czech Republic and SlovakiaSamsung is clearly not done with its program of changes after the relatively recent drop in profits of the mobile division, and the time has come for the South Korean manufacturer's closest division to us, i.e. Samsung Czech Republic and Slovakia. Hun Lee was appointed to the position of director of Samsung CR & SR, he replaced Daewon Kim, who worked here as a director only since January/January of last year and will now take up the management of the French branch of Samsung.

Hun Lee has already worked at Samsung Electronics for 12 years, in the past he has held several managerial positions, the last of which before joining Samsung Czech Republic and Slovakia was in the Visual Display division, where he worked as the Marketing Director for Europe. What's more, this year Samsung celebrates ten years on the Czech market and 5 years of the existence of the Samsung CR & SR division, which Lee himself even commented on.

"The year 2015 will be an important milestone for Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak. Ten years ago, the Samsung brand officially came to the Czech Republic, and five years ago a branch for the Czech Republic and Slovakia was established," he declared.

Snad se tedy Samsung i v České republice a na Slovensku ze svých předešlých chyb poučí a my v roce 2015 již nebudeme psát o tom, že tento gigant hlásí ještě gigantičtější propad zisků, ale o tom, jak Galaxy S6 a ostatní smartphony z nových řad, které přijdou již zanedlouho na trh, lámou rekordy co se (nejen) prodejů týče.

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Samsung Czech Republic and Slovakia

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*Source: ChannelWorld

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