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Looks like last year's Samsung batteries are really cursed. A few days ago, a very unpleasant incident took place in South Korea, in which an exploding battery played a major role.

Dvacetiletá žena zapojila svůj rok starý Samsung Galaxy S7 večer do originální nabíječky a nechala ho přes noc nabíjet. V brzkých ranních hodinách jí však vzbudil dým a zvláštní zvuk, který se linul právě z hořícího telefonu. Dívka začala okamžitě začínající požár hasit, při tom si však přivodila lehčí popáleniny. Viditelné škody pak vznikly i na nábytku, na kterém byl telefon při nabíjení položený.

According to the woman, there were no problems with the phone during the entire period of its use and it was never mechanically interfered with, so she cannot explain the current problem. This is what South Korea's Agency for Technology and Standards, where it sent the phone after returning it from the Samsung center, is supposed to try. He allegedly did not adequately comment on her problem.

So far, it is hard to say what glitch caused this problem. However, since these problems also appeared in Samsung phones last year, this may indicate that the battery manufacturing technologies are, or at least were, quite poor at the South Korean company. However, according to all available information, this should be a thing of the past, as the company has introduced special seven-factor battery testing, which should reveal all possible problems. Hopefully we won't have similar problems in the future.


Source: koreaherald

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