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Not so long ago, we informed you that the South Korean Samsung is doing really amazing, at least financially. It may be a surprise to some. The inconveniences that have befallen this company in recent months are many and at first glance indicate a steep decline. However, the opposite is true. Samsung is doing great and is likely to beat all expectations with its third quarter earnings.

Krach s Galaxy Note7 či zatčení předního představitele Samsungu? Podle investorů to minimálně protentokrát nehraje žádnou roli. Velkou část zisku za třetí čtvrtletí totiž tvořil prodej OLED panelů, který tyto faktory nikterak neovlivnily. Příjmy by tak mohly oproti předchozímu čtvrtletí ještě o pár set milionů dolarů povyskočit. Na přesná čísla je však zatím příliš brzy.

The profits surprised even Samsung itself

If the excellent Q8 earnings are indeed confirmed, it will certainly be great for Samsung. According to previous statements, he was more likely to expect a decline, which, according to him, should inevitably occur. However, the interest in computer chips and OLED panels does not stop. In addition, the recently introduced NoteXNUMX was also a great success, breaking pre-order records around the world.

However, it is difficult to say how long the profitable period will last. More and more companies are discovering the potential of OLED displays, and it is so clear that many of them will also try to produce them. This would significantly reduce Samsung's number of regular customers and thereby decrease its profit. However, we will see if this scenario is at all realistic in the next few years.


Source: koreaherald

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