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You must have already heard about the fact that a very interesting project - a foldable smartphone - is being prepared in Samsung's workshops. However, until now we didn't know what to actually think about this venture and when to expect it. However, Samsung boss DJ Koha is now coming up with more details.

"We plan to include foldable smartphones in our offer. We are currently dealing with some of the technological hurdles associated with this type of device. Therefore, we will release the phone as soon as we are fully ready. We are trying to make it next year,” Koh said at a press conference three days ago.

An atypical move by Samsung

Koh's statement is quite interesting and quite unusual for Samsung. It is not very often that a company talks about its new products in advance like this. However, the truth is that there are so many question marks attached to this project that a short statement probably won't hurt anything.

Practically nothing is clear yet. Not even what line the atypical foldable smartphone should be a part of. It is possible that Samsung will include it in its premium S series or create its own series for it.

In the rest of the press conference, Koh did not say anything interesting. He spent most of his time thanking fans for their huge interest in the Note8 model. He exceeded all expectations and his pre-orders were literally breaking records. In Korea alone, pre-orders have climbed to an incredible 650. However, it is hard to say how long the lead in orders will last. Tonight, indeed Apple will introduce a new one iPhone X, which by all accounts should attack similar pre-order numbers.


Source: koreaherald

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