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There are markets that are important and markets that are vital. The latter definitely includes the market in India, which is hugely lucrative territory for most technology companies thanks to its purchasing power. And it is precisely this interesting territory that Samsung is holding firmly in its hands more and more.

Samsung has been rumored to be the largest phone seller in India for quite some time now. No wonder, the model range of the South Koreans is really wide and, moreover, especially for the Indian market, interwoven and adjusted with various discounts and loyalty programs, which are very friendly for Indians when buying a phone. Therefore, Samsung's market share is slowly rising and, according to the latest measurements, it reaches a really solid 24%. The second Xiaomi then loses an abysmal seven percent to the first place.

There is no competition in sight

Samsung může těšit o to víc, že na indickém trhu drží v dáli i velkého konkurenta Apple. Ten se totiž v posledních měsících intenzivně snaží na trhu prosadit, zatím to však vypadá spíše na dlouhodobý proces. I když Apple nasadil zajímavou cenovou politiku, která by měla indický trh zajímavě ovlivnit, mnozí Indové si iPhony zatím dovolit nemohou. A právě v tuto chvíli přichází na řadu levné modely od Samsungu.

However, it would be foolish to think that India is only a buyer of cheap models. Flagships are also in great demand here. But this is partly due to the interesting price offer that Samsung has set here for its premium models as well.

Hopefully, Samsung will be able to keep its throne as the ruler of the smartphone market in India and conquer it even more. Profits from it can shoot it several floors higher in the future.


Source: Sammobile

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