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Conjecture about whether Samsung or Apple phones have better cameras has been going on with the companies for a really long time. Every time one company manages to develop a camera that surpasses the competition, another company manages to pull out a trump card that balances the imaginary scales again. This is also the case with cameras in Galaxy Note8 and iPhone 8 Plus.

The cameras of these phones were taken into the viewfinder by editors from the portal DxOMark and performed all possible tests on them. They were the first to test the camera of the new iPhone 8 Plus, which they were really excited about. After a series of multiple tests, they rightfully named it the best camera on a smartphone. However, they had no idea that Samsung would get their hands on it Galaxy Footnote8.

Samsung's zoom is second to none

The Note8 is the first smartphone from Samsung to feature a dual camera. Both lenses have twelve megapixels and have really great features. However, what stands out above them is the XNUMXx optical zoom, which the editors named the best zoom ever tested on a mobile phone. However, even the eight-fold digital zoom is not far behind the Samsung. It's clear that he can't capture the full details, but even so, his accuracy is rated really high.

The entire Note8 test consisted of more than 1500 photos and two hours of video. Everything was created both in specialized laboratories and in the natural environment of various interiors and exteriors. Despite the different environment, however, the results were truly breathtaking. The same can be said for portrait photos, which look good even in low light conditions.

However, it must be said that neither iPhone it didn't do badly at all, and in the end both phones parted amicably, because they received the same 94 points (out of a possible hundred - editor's note). Even this time, we do not know the winner of this dispute. So if you're choosing a phone purely based on the camera, the best choice will probably be based on your personal preferences and liking for a certain brand. However, you probably won't go wrong with either model.

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