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In recent years, it has become almost a rule that newly introduced phones suffer from certain birth pains and their owners come across unpleasant errors. After all, a great example would be the two-year-old affair with exploding models Galaxy Note 7, which almost ended this series. Unfortunately, not even Samsung's new flagship is completely flawless.

Some owners of the "plus" version of Samsung Galaxy The S9+ started complaining on various foreign forums that the screen of their phone does not respond to touch in certain places. While some have traced this problem to roughly the place where the letters E, R and T are on the keyboard, others have a problem with "dead" areas around the top edge or on the sides. It is interesting that mostly only "plus" models suffer from this problem. With the smaller S9, similar problems are reported much less often.

Galaxy S9 real photo:

A hardware failure appears to be the most likely cause. However, since we haven't encountered any similar error with older models, the cause may of course be completely different. In any case, the problem affects only a small number of devices, so there is definitely no reason to worry about the purchase. However, if you also encounter this problem, do not hesitate to report the phone. In this case, it should be no problem to get a new piece from the seller.

We will see if Samsung will deal with this problem more or if it will wave its hand, saying that in the first wave of new products there are simply occasional defects. However, if the problem does not turn out to be extensive, we will almost certainly not see any giant maneuvers on the part of Samsung.


Source: Phonearena

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